Lakes Region

Steele Hill Resort, a proud member of the Path Resorts family, recently became the focus of an episode of the beloved television series "New Hampshire Life." This engaging series explores the unique offerings of New Hampshire, from thrilling outdoor activities to the state's rich culinary...

It's a season of joy and celebration at Path Resorts! We are thrilled to announce that we've been honored with prestigious awards in three categories in the Best of the Lakes Region contest, organized by the Laconia Daily Sun. This is a testament to the...

Life in New Hampshire is adventurous, fascinating, unique and beautiful. The Granite State holds many places to explore, events and activities to experience and exceptional people to meet. Some of the more popular attractions in the state include venturesome mountains to ski and hike, intriguing...

The summer is a wonderful time in New Hampshire’s Lakes Region with hiking, biking and exciting family friendly activities, visitors travel from near and far to experience the incredible offerings and scenery. What if we told you that you can find all the excitement in...

As a staple attraction of New Hampshire for both the winter and summer season, Gunstock Mountain Resort is known as the premier recreation destination in the Lakes Region. Visitors seeking some much-needed fresh air and outdoor adventure, look no further. Gunstock is every winter sport...

For the past two years, The Laconia Daily Sun has hosted an annual contest presented by the Bank of New Hampshire, titled “Best of the Lakes Region”. The program is considered to be the most comprehensive guide to the Lakes Region of New Hampshire, highlighting...

As we continue to closely monitor and face the challenges of the novel coronavirus, the safety and health of our employees, timeshare owners and guests remain our top priority. We have been working closely with our state and local health officials in order to create...

Path Resorts has always provided a respite from ordinary life and an escape from the day to day grind. Our unique properties specialize in fresh air and bringing guests one step closer to nature. In these trying times, the pandemic has forced people into confined...

This year, Path Resorts was honored to receive multiple awards that highlight the unique hospitality experience offered at each location. The properties each provide a unique vantage point on and accessibility to the Lakes Region and their individual recognition reflects those strengths. The Summit Resort, centrally...